Dr. アマナのアニマルヒーリング

Dr. アマナのアニマルヒーリング








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    “My dearest dog Daisy was diagnosed with cancer in her urethra a year ago, and I was devastated. I was desperate to prolong her life with her quality of life intact, until I could process this devastating news and get myself a little more together — just a month earlier, I had lost her brother in a tragic freak accident, and a month before that, my marriage. It was quite a blow!

    Daisy was quickly deteriorating and chemotherapy took so much out of her that I made the difficult decision to terminate that treatment altogether. Her appetite dwindled to almost nothing, and she started waking up in middle of the night due to pain in her abdomen from cancer. And she was barely peeing. I just couldn’t accept that it’s time for her to go just yet.

    So I ordered just one session with Amana, with an intention for Daisy to simply get any physical discomfort and pain from cancer alleviated. I also asked Amana with my intention that the tumor does not block her urethra so that she can continue to do pee. If that didn’t help, I was prepared to put her on morphine, the very last option.

    The next morning, I woke up and took her on a walk as usual. She was really upbeat and playful, and I thought, wow if she’s feeling this good she may even eat a little! Boy was I right. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was like she took some drugs. She even “hunted” her jerky, prancing upon it, enjoying it thoroughly. She actually ate a whole meal that day, and slept through the night. She was upbeat like that for three whole days.

    At first, I thought she’s just in a better mood and going through those mood swings, and didn’t connect it with Amana’s treatment entirely. But a week or so later I ordered another session, because I vaguely recalled that Daisy at least ate. That’s when I realized, that this energy work is having a REAL tangible impact.

    The reliable turnout was that Daisy slept through the night, and then ate a ton the next day. She is very sensitive, and easily feels insecure, and generally eats when she is feeling secure, safe, and also well. So I thought, may be the key is for her to be HAPPY and free of pain, that way she’d be more inclined to eat, and thus support herself physically in spite of the growing tumor. So I arranged for several more weekly sessions.

    By now, I can reliably declare that Amana’s treatments calm her, help her sleep through the night without pain med, and feel better overall. Also, she has been peeing fine. I know she’s still on the decline, but I think this is nothing short of a miracle because she was supposed to be dead long ago, and she is completely turned around, having regained her energy and perkiness, she hadn’t been playful in so so many months…. it was only after Amana’s treatment she was play-hunting her food, being outright silly. I’m just so grateful that she has these last months (that used to be weeks or even days) to live with full joy and appetite.

    My cousin living with me and I both could not believe our eyes. We don’t know exactly how it all works but we testify from our very observation, the results are undeniable. I’ve now committed Daisy to regular weekly energy session by Amana. I’m active with pitbull rescues and other animal welfare efforts, and thought how much every one would appreciate having their own Amana for their pooches and loved ones.

    I highly recommend trying Amana’s energy work at least a couple of times with clear intentions because of what I have seen with Daisy. I’m just so grateful that Daisy’s prospects are so so much brighter. And I hope Amana will touch the lives of many others to come.

    ~by Miho Kim

    Message on July 15th, 2018, sent by Miho Kim
    Daisy has been doing incredibly well. Her peepee has no blood whatsoever now!! And she is interested in life, walking and eating. Of course, she can’t walk or run as much as she used to. But she is old too.

    I swear I think her life is extended due to your work. Every time you did the work, she showed a boost on her energy level and appetite and Just life force all around. The impact is simply undeniable.

    I took Daisy to Beach after Amana’s second session (taken on April 22, 2018).

